Personal Goals!

I know I have done a New Years resolutions post but them goals were what I wanted to focus on this year whereas these are gonna be my own personal goals without any time limit. These are just things I always want to be working for and more long term.

1. Spend time on photography!

I absolutely love photography and I enjoy taking photos so much and I want to really improve it and spend time on it as I love it so much.

2. Work on my anxiety!

Anxiety is something I really struggle with and I have finally decided to do something about it and find ways of calming myself down. I’m sick of it taking over my life and causing melt downs and it’s not something I just want to put up with anymore. Of course it’s not something I can just get rid off but I want to try and work on it best I can.

3. Become a healthy weight!

As I’ve said in my ‘ self confidence’ post, I am underweight and would like to change that and become a healthy weight as obviously under weight isn’t good and I should be a healthy weight so I want to try and work on that.

4. Learn a new language.

Now wait a minute. I’m not saying I’m going to learn a language until I’m 100% fluent but I want to learn a lot more of French. I already do French at school and I am taking it for GCSE but I want to learn extra French at home by using an app/website called duolingo. I’ve talked about it in detail on my ‘apps I’m loving’ post.

5. Just say yes & stay positive.

As I’ve talked about many times, I have anxiety which can sometimes hold me back from doing fun things and pushing myself out my comfort zone. I want to leave 2017 feeling like I’ve accomplished things, had amazing experiences and made the most out of it. As well as that, I want to try and always stay positive and approach everything with the right mindset. 

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

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