Self Confidence

Self confidence. We all wish we had more of this. We all wish we could leave the house, feeling confident in every aspect of our bodies. The reality is that we don’t all feel confident with our bodies. Most of us don’t. There’s always something we wish we could change about the way we look. I’m going to discuss general self confidence and my own issues.

I’m going to be honest on this blog post. I am underweight. The NHS has told me I am underweight. This is something I have always been self conscious about. I hate my little wrists, my obvious rib cage, boney body and my collar bone that sticks out. I have problems putting on weight even though I eat loads ( and I mean LOADS!) It’s just something I am quite uncomfortable with. I have always had jokes like being called twig and stick insect and boney. I recently I had a boy tell me that he could see right through me because I am so skinny and making comments like this. This is not okay. Calling someone for being underweight is just as bad as calling someone for being overweight and this is what people need to understand. The boy didn’t understand why I was so wound up by what he had said and I think that is awful. People should realize how offensive it is to call someone for their weight. Under or over weight. For all he knows I could have an eating disorder and what he said would of really damaged me and people just don’t think this through before they make comments and jokes about someone being really skinny.

Of course we are all going to be self conscious about some things. I’m self conscious about the way my weight makes me look, my pale complextion, my teeth, my veins are obvious and I hate my eyebrows so much. We are never going to be completely comfortable with ourselves but in reality no one is noticing these things you don’t like except you and if they do say something then don’t listen because they are probably self concisous too.

I want everyone to focus on things they like about the way they look. Be positive and don’t care what other people think. You are beautiful and we should all be more confident and accept the way we look.I want you all to comment two things that you like about the way you look. I like my freckles and my hazel eyes. Go on all do it! I hope you liked this post!

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo