Cosy Evening Routine

I love cosy evenings and I have them a lot. I have them more in winter and Autumn but I still have them in spring and summer so I thought I would do a cosy evening routine as its still quite cold outside and cosy inside. 

1. Run a Bath

Firstly, I start a hot bath running and whilst it is running, I get all the products I’m going to use ready and my towel and pyjamas ready. I also light some candles in my bathroom.

2. Have a Pamper Session

Next I have a pamper session where I put something like bubble bath or a bath bomb in the bath, use a scrub, use a shower gel and put a face mask on. I then put body butter on and moisturise my face.

3. Put My Pyjamas On

Then I put my comfy pyjamas on and my cosy socks on (which I absolutely love) and get comfy.

4. Get Snacks

Next I get some unhealthy, delicious snacks like sweets, chocolate, popcorn or ice cream and take it up to my room.

5. Watch YouTube, Netflix or a Film

Now I get into bed with my snacks and watch YouTube, Netflix or a film. This is one of my favourite parts of the day when I just chill and watch things I love.

6. Sleep

I then try and get a good night’s sleep as that is all part of the pampering and I always spray my lavender spray so I feel relaxed and ready to sleep.

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

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