It’s Okay To Be Sad!

I have done an anxiety chat before and I thought I’d make a mini series on some topics that are more “deep” if you like or just to do with emotions and your mind.

It’s okay to be sad. I’m sad all the time. I cry all the time. I cry at school, I cry in public, I cry in the street, I cry in shops, I cry in public toilets, I cry in theme parks, I cry in fields, I cry on mountains, I cry in lessons and I cry in various other random places. I am a very emotional person and I cry over pretty much everything. You won’t believe the kind of things I cry about. Last month, it was my time of the month so I was already really emotional and I was feeling ill and I tried swallowing a paracetamol tablet and I couldn’t do I started crying and the girl next to me was just like what do I do? I finally managed to swallow the tablet so it was fine! Omg that is such a stupid story aha.

I wanted to make this post and tell you that it’s okay to be sad. We all get sad sometimes over little things or over big things. Whether it’s a loss, a breakup an argument or anything else that might get you down. You just have to accept that your sad. Everyone is different. Some people want to wallow in their sadness, eat a massive tub of ice cream and cry. Whereas others want to try and remain happy and face the world! I have been both of these types of people before and it really does depend on how sad I am and what I’m sad about. Personally, I think that it’s good to have that time to yourself to just be sad and cry and eat all the crappy food you want and watch what you want! There does reach a point where you finally have to tell yourself, it’s time to cheer myself up and face whatever lies a head of me. I also have some tips on how to cheer yourself up:

– Spend time with people who make you happy.

– Laugh and smile

– Listen to music. Just let loose. Jump around singing and dancing like a crazy person you’ll feel so much better!

– Cry it all out. Cry all of them emotions inside of you out!

– Read. Getting lost in a book really does help.

– Go for a walk. Clear your head and maybe take a few pictures of your surroundings. You’ll feel better after you do this.

– Do the things you love. Whether that’s watching films and TV or blogging! Or maybe a hobby. Just do it!

I hope you liked this post and I will be doing more in this series so let me know any topics you’d like me to talk about!

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

Get To Know Me Tag!

I love doing tags and I find them so fun to do. I’m just gonna get straight into this!

1. What is your middle name?

I don’t have one. I wish I did though!

2. What is your favourite colour?

Blue! I also love any pastel colours and sky blues and blush pinks.

3. Who was your first best friend?

I had a best friend called Kate in nursery I think but I don’t really remember haha.

4. How tall are you?

I’m about 5″2. 

5. Cats or dogs?

I do like cats but I’m way more of a dog person I love dogs so much!

6. Funniest moment throughout school?

I am so bad at remembering stuff like this but I have had so many funny moments at school.

7. How many countries have you visited?

I’d say about 5? America, Italy, France, Spain and Holland.

8. Are you in/gone to college?

No I am still in high school.

9. What’s my favourite & worst subject at school?

My favourites are Art, French and Drama and my least favourites are Maths, Science and English.

10. What is your favourite drink?

Hot chocolate!

11. What is your favourite animal?

Dogs! Always dogs! I also love pandas, elephants and giraffes.

12. What is your favourite perfume?

Probably Sweet Smile Impulse Spray in the smell pear & jasmine.

13. Tea or coffee?

I don’t like either but I feel like I’d like flavoured tea.

14. What would you name your child?

If it was a girl I would call her either Poppy or Imogen and if it was a boy I’d call him Noah, Elliot or Oliver.

15. What sports do you play or have you played?

I used to play netball and I did gymnastics. Now I just go to the gym once a week.

16. What is your favourite book?

The girl online books, Harry Potter books and Fangirl.

17. Who are some of your favourite youtubers?

Zoella, Tanya Burr, Fabulous Hannah, Gabriella Lindley, Troye Sivan, Connor Franta, Naomi Smart, Dan and Phil ( obviously!), Mark Ferris and Eve Bennett. There are loads more!

18. What is your favourite movie?

LES MISÉRABLES! Les Mis is actually my ultamite favourite film! I love everything about it the actual film, the songs, the actors etc. It’s just everything and I love musicals so much. I can sing on my own from start to finish I know all the words. Two of my favourite actors ( Eddie Redmayne & Aaron Tveit) are in it as well as main characters and they are amazing. I cried like 5 times at this film too haha. Some of my other favourites are Labyrinth ( comes very close to les misérables), Star Wars films, Harry Potter films, The Hunger Games, Clueless, The Bee Movie ( don’t judge it’s so good) and Shrek of course! I have so many many more.

19. Are you single or taken?


20. Whats your idea of an ideal first date?

Something cute like a picnic or maybe a home cooked meal!

21. How many boyfriends have you had?

None, I’m only young!

22. Favourite childhood memories?

Definitely all our trips to Disneyland!

23. Do you speak any different languages and how well?

I can speak a little bit of French as we learn it at school and I also use a Duolingo app that helps me learn French.

24. Do you have any siblings?

Yes one 18 year old sister.

25. How would you describe your fashion sense?

Cute? I wear lots of skirts and jumpers.

26. What is your favourite restaurant?

Nandos, Chiquitos, Frankie&Bennies and Bella Italia.

27. What are some of your favourite TV shows?

Friends, Glee, 90210, Pretty Little Liars, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, The OA and A Series of Unfortunate Events ( a new series on Netflix).

28. PC or Mac?


29. What phone do you have?

A samsung.

30. Bad habits?

Snacking! I snack way too much it’s so unhealthy. I also complain about the cold too much as I’m always cold aha! I also use some words way too much like pipe down, lovely, Angel and gems.

I tag my friend Heather to do this.

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

My Photography!

I love photography. It’s my number 1 hobby. Taking photos really does make me happy and it’s definitely my passion. I recently thought that you know what? I’m quite proud of quite a few of my photos. I thought I would make a blog post just full with all the photos I am so proud of. Enjoy! 

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

January Favourites!

Today I am going to share with you my January favourites. Honestly I have so many favourites this month (seriously!) and most people usually do as they get new things for Christmas that become January favourites. If I were you I’d get something to eat and drink whilst you read this as its gonna be a very long post! 

1. Fangirl Book

I have done a review on this book and omg I love it so much. I received this book off my sister for Christmas and I got reading it straight away on Christmas Day and finished it a few days later. Check out my review I did of this book last week! 

2. First 2 Girl Online Books.

I have recently finished reading both of these books and I loved them. I felt such a connection with the character Penny as I saw a lot of myself in her and that was really nice to be able to relate with her. I am so excited to read the third book in this series as I loved the first two especially the first one. I might be doing a review on all three books once I’ve read the third book so stay tuned for that!

3. Zoella Lazy Days Candle.

This candle smells so good. I have two of these as I got one of my mum and one off my friend Heather and I just love the smell so much and they last for ages as well.

4. Wild Orchid & Honey Candle.

Omg. I got this as a gift off my friend Alivia for Christmas and the smell is insane. Its from Primark and it smells a lot like the red berry and jasmine candle also from primark which I adore the smell of. I have burnt this candle so much.

6. Vanilla Chai Exfoliating Sugar Scrub.

I. Love. This. Product. This is from the body shop and I have really wanted it as I love there sugar scrubs but they are quite expensive. I got this for Christmas off my parents and I was so happy. It’s such good quality and smells amazing.

7. Snow Fairy Shower Gel + Body Conditioner.

I have loved this product for ages but I had to include it as I got a mini size in a lush gift set of this and of the body conditioner which I had never tried and I really like it. I also got a bigger size of snow fairy shower gel in my stocking. I absolutely love this scent all year round.

8. Spiced Apple Shower Gel & Body Butter.

As a present off my parents I got the spiced apple treat box from the body shop and I absolutely love the body shop and I love this scent so much as I love the smell of apple and it smells so Christmasy and amazing. I highly reccomend these products.

9. Denim Skirt.

I went to Manchester at the start of the month with my friend Meg and we went into H&M and I bought this skirt as I’d loved it for ages but never bought it so I decided it was time I got it and I love it and have worn it quite a lot.

10. Jurassic Park Top.

I love Jurassic park like a true 90’s kid ( even though I’m not a 90’s kid I can still pretend). So I saw this in a khaki green colour which usually suits me because I’m so pale and it usually suits pale people. I have worn it loads and love it. I love tops with films on so if anyone spots a back to the future top let me know.

11. Caramel Jumper.

I was at the Trafford centre with my sister and we went into H&M and I bought a caramel high neck jumper. I really like it and have worn it loads.

12. Burgundy Pyjamas.

I went into primark and bought these super comfy, cosy pyjamas. I love the pattern on these and they are so so cosy.

Sorry some of the pictures aren’t great!

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

Anxiety Chat!

I know I usually have quite light topics and mental health isn’t something I’ve ever discussed before but today I decided I would talk about anxiety as I’m sure some of you may have anxiety like me.

So yes I have anxiety and have had it since I was about 9 and I went all the way to Florida on a plane. There were times on the holiday where I started to feel so anxious and it was partly because of the bad storms there were when we were at the parks at night and just being out at night used to make me so anxious and the fact there was a storm was making me feel so panicky. I used to annoy my whole family because the only place I would feel better would be going back to where we were staying. Obviously that meant we’d have to miss out on shows and parades because I’d start to feel like I was going to have a panic attack but my parents just thought I was tired and wanted to leave. When I was that age though I didn’t really know about anxiety and all I knew was this feeling that I kept having.

Another type of anxiety I struggle with is social anxiety. In 2016 in June I went to a wedding of a family friend and I was feeling fine at the start but at the party afterwards and the meal I was feeling so anxious and I had all these adults around me telling me I didn’t look well and my mum telling me I need to smile and this young couple telling me how miserable I looked and I was already feeling so anxious but the fact that people were noticing was really starting to panic me. I started to feel so shaky and I was finding it hard to breathe and I was fighting back tears and I’d gone all light headed. I just ran to the toilets and locked myself in a cubicle and just tried to breathe and I started to feel okay. I just went back and they put the music on and the buffet and I started to feel okay I just needed to keep breathing steadily and everything was fine there’s no need to be anxious. Some social situations i can be completely fine with and other times i feel so unbelievably anxious.

Another thing that fits in with social anxiety is my self confidence. Sometimes i can be quite confident as I do the school shows where obviously you have to go up in front of people so you kind of have to feel confident. But in other cases I am the most self conscious person ever. Some nights I just lie in bed and think OMG I have to go to school tomorrow and people are gonna be looking at me. I am extremely self conscious and I am not happy with how I look and I find it so hard to leave the house knowing people are going to be looking at me. Of course I have lovely people in my life who make me feel amazing about myself but I also can sometimes listen to that negativity from people who I don’t even care about. They insult me on the way I look and make me never want to face anyone and also be so anxious about coming to school and have to have people looking at me. I start to get into my own head and tell myself “you should look a certain way or you should dress a certain way,” when actually there is no definition of perfection and people have just made me think there is. I don’t look or dress a certain way for anyone. I look the way I look and dress the way I want to dress. I shouldn’t feel anxious about people looking at me as I shouldn’t have to look a certain way for people to treat me like I should be treated. But still my anxiety still makes me worry about it.

There have been times where I have felt so incredibly anxious and worked up in normal situations. I was stood with my best friends once and i started to shake and cry and I had no idea why but one of my friends noticed and asked me if I wanted to go outside so I just sat on a bench and cried for ages. My poor friend didn’t know what to do but I just felt so anxious and self conscious I just needed to cry it out. Most of my melt downs usually happen when I am on my own at home (luckily) but I have had melt downs at school before but only a couple and sometimes I go into a cubicle and try and calm down when nobody can see me.

I want to share some tips with you on how I cope with my anxiety:

1.) Spend some time doing things you love to calm you down.

2.) Make sure you are getting enough sleep and to help you can use a sleep spray on your pillow.

3.) Company of friends can be nice and lift your mood so if you feel up to it make plans with friends.

4.) If you want, write it all down in a notebook or make a blog post about it like I did. It really helps to write down everything on your mind.

5.) Download relax melodies app as it has loads of calming sounds and meditations that all help with anxiety and stress. I love this app and if you want more detail about it then look at my “apps I’m loving ” post as there is plenty of detail about it.

I’m really proud of myself for being able to talk about this because sometimes I find it hard to explain how I’m feeling. Sorry if you don’t like this kind of post but if you do let me know in the comments and also leave any questions you want down in the comments. If any of you want another post like this then I would love to do one.

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

50 Things That Make Me Happy!

I decided to do the 50 things that make me happy tag as I have so many little things that make me feel happy and it’s nice to write about what makes you happy even if a lot of them are just little things. I tag Heather to do this!

1. Singing with friends
2. Spending time with my friends
3. Fresh sheets
4. Cry laughing
5. Dancing
6. Perfectly popped popcorn
7. The smell of rain on the pavement
8. Fairy lights
9. Eating a Sunday roast
10. Crisp autumn walks
11. Hugs
12. Eating white chocolate
13. Starbucks hot chocolate with whipped cream
14. Zoella’s vlogs
15. Traveling
16. The sound of the sea
17. Coming home to a cosy,warm house
18. Inside jokes
19. Finishing a book
20. The smell of Christmas trees
21. Baking
22. Complimenting people
23. Random acts of kindness
24. Taking photos
25. Lazy summer days in the garden
26. Picnics
27. Water fights
28. Starry nights
29. Feeling the sun on my face
30. Watching and listening to thunderstorms from inside my house
31. Watching a childhood film
33. Waking up to a blanket of snow
34. Stroking beautiful dogs
35. Crunching autumn leaves
36. Amazing sunsets
37. Listening to my good vibes playlist
38. Deep conversations at 4am at sleepovers
39. BBQ’s
40. Sunflowers
41. French fries
42. Movie nights
43. Concerts
44. Spontaneous trips to the chippy
45. Receiving a thoughtful present
46. Caring, lovely people!
47. Gilmore Girls ( TV show)
48. Pear drops ( sweets)
49. Parties
50. Pamper evenings

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

Fangirl Book Review!

I have recently read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell and I thought I would do a review on this book. 

This book is about an 18 year old girl who writes fan fiction called Cath and her twin sister Wren. Their mum left when they were 8. They both go off to college and Wren wants to socialise and party whereas Cath wants to stay in her room and write fan fiction. It’s a coming of age story and has elements of drama and romance. It has some great characters and everything is written well.

This book is absolutely amazing. I read it in a few days and I couldn’t put it down. I found that it touched on some important issues like social anxiety and coming of age and sibling relationships. My favourite character is Levi because he is so positive, lovely and happy and he gets along with everyone which I think is so nice and makes him my favourite. I found this book really enjoyable to read and I came to love reading the relationship between Levi and Cath and seeing their relationship unfold. 

I love the relationship between Cath and her twin sister Wren and it’s so interesting seeing their ups and downs as twins. 

If I was to rate it, I would rate it 4 stars and would reccomend it for the age 13+.

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

Friendship Questions!

Me and one of my best friends Heather decided to do sort of like a friendship quiz to see how good friends we are! We’ve both given each other 10 questions about ourselves and today I’m going to be answering heathers questions and hopefully I’ll know the answers. If you want to know if I get them right check the comments because Heather will comment which ones are right and wrong. Also check out heathers post where she is answering my questions on her blog – heatherforeverxo. Let’s start!

1. Name 2 of my fears?

So your first fear is of dogs but you can be fine with some but you’re  also scared of some plus you are not really an animal person anyway. And your other fear is of big rides and you’ll only go on the smaller ones.

2. Where would you take me for my birthday?

Well if it was a small thing then I would take you to Frankie & Bennies also bonus points for me because I know that you would order the chicken bites with fries and side salad. But if we were older and I had lots of money I would take you to New York in December as we both want to see Christmas in New York and that would be the perfect birthday present. We would go to the Christmas markets, go Christmas shopping and just look at how Christmasy New York is.

3. What’s my favourite Yankee candle?

Your favourite Yankee candle is the clean cotton one because you love the fresh smells.

4. What’s my favourite lush item?

Your favourite lush item is 2 and that’s the candy mountain bubble bar and the frozen bath bomb.

5. Who’s my favourite youtuber?

I’m thinking its Zoella? But as well Fabulous Hannah and Gabriella Lindley.

6. Name one of my obsessions?

Well one of your obsessions is definitely lush and also recently you’ve become obsessed with the tv show Gilmore Girls.

7. Name my favourite item of clothing?

I’m going to say your khaki green bomber jacket and your new white adidas shoes.

8. What’s colours are my room?

You have one feature wall that is brick wallpaper and the rest of your walls are grey. You also have copper accents in your room that are so pretty.

9. Do I prefer warm or cool lights?

You prefer warm lights.

10. What’s my favourite drink?

I think it’s hot chocolate. 

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

Quick Update!

I thought I would do a quick update to say that I have been feeling so inspired lately and I have so many blog post ideas so expect an extra post on Wednesdays at 6 sometimes but I will always be posting on Sunday’s at 6 but for a while I’m gonna be posting on Wednesdays too as I just have so many ideas.

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo

Apps That I Am Loving!

Hello everyone, today I’m going to be sharing my favourite apps at the moment and I have quite a few that I’ve been absolutely loving so hope you enjoy! 

1. Spotify

This is definitely my most used and most loved app ever as I love music and I have made so many playlist that I listen to constantly. It’s so good for making playlists for every occasion. As a Christmas presents off my parents I received a code to have 3 months of Spotify premium which is the best present for me because it’s too expensive to have full time and I honestly use it every day and this means I can have ad free music and skip songs whenever I want and as much as I want and also can listen to music without wifi which is just perfect for me. If you’d like to follow my Spotify and check my playlists out then my name on it is katiemxhxrs. 

2. Relax Melodies

We might be here for a while with this one. I first got this app because zoella recommended it and I thought I’d give it a try. Omg I’m so glad I did! This app is so amazing and I reccomend it so much. It has around 60 free different sounds on that you can just listen to when you want to relax or de stress. You can go through and find sounds that you like and group them together. Some of my favourite sounds on there are joy, all the water sounds such as sea and rain ones, weather ones and the nature ones. The app has also grouped together some sounds so you can click on one of the groups of sounds and have 3 sounds playing at once that sound right together. One of my favourite things on there is they have load of meditations on there that are 5-10 minutes long and they have them for people who can’t sleep and some for people who are stressed or are having bad anxiety or just for people who want to feel relaxed. Don’t think of meditation in a weird way like I did. Try it honestly you’ll love it and just give it a listen before you go to sleep. I actually think the stress and anxiety meditation has worked and helped me through bad anxiety.

3. Pinterest

I’ve been loving Pinterest recently as it’s good for looking up recipies and pretty much everything to help motivate me this year. 

4. Afterlight

After light is what I use to edit my photos before they go up on my Instagram and it’s so good and I highly reccomend it if you want a good app for editing Instagram photos.


This is a recent discovery of mine and it is so useful. It shows your Instagram feed and let’s you add photos onto it they you wanna post and you can arrange it and see what looks good and you can post it in that order and it’s like the most helpful app I have. 

6. Good Reads

The is a recent discovery of mine too and it’s because I want to start reading more. You can put the book you are currently reading and update what page you are on and it shows you the percent of the book you have read. You can also put books you have read and want to read. You can also set yourself reading challanges and mine is to read at least 20 books this year. You can search books or scan the barcode on books you already have and it adds it to your online bookshelf. It’s so easy to use and a really good app.

7. Duolingo.

I love this app. This year I want to focus on improving my French and enlarging my French vocabulary. I have such an interest in the French language and love it so much so I thought I’d download this app where you can learn quite a few different languages. You can take a few little quizzes daily and it tells you how fluent you are and there are different topics. I’m currently 3% fluen in French yay!

Share your current favourite apps below.

Thankyou for reading, goodbye for now!

Captured Moments xoxo